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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-22-2004 at 7:24pm
Current mood: deeply deeply awesome
Music: At the moment... simple plan. But that could change any second.
Subject: There are too many stupid people in this town.
Ugh, people make me mad sometimes. Stupid Josh and Covey and Kaylen. Oy. This is why I don't normally hang out with them. Josh is naive and stupid, Covey is just plain dumb sometimes, and Kaylen's a major slut. Stupid biology. I love that class, but it's the reason I know all of this crap. Stupid, stupid class. Grr... on it.

So anyway, on to the good parts of the day. Guess what Mr. Smith told me!? He said I have the quickest release on the team!! It was soo awesome!!!!! (For those of you who don't know, I'm talkin' about the time it takes to catch the ball and then throw it again in softball.) That made me like the absolute happiest person on earth, I swear. Ahh... happiness. Sorry, I'm freakin' out but it was great. Oh, and Larissa (who is my favorite person ever right now, fyi) said that she was surprised that I'm not on JV and that I was the best pitcher on the freshmen team. (which in my opinion doesn't say much for the other pitchers... but yea) So you can see why I am way overly happy right now!!! I swear I'm gonna' explode I'm so happy.

So yea, I'm talking to Andy right now. Which to you guys might seem normaly, but to me it's insanely weird. I haven't talked to him since the very start of the school year. And that wasn't real friendly talking. Hmm... weird. But ya' never know, maybe we'll become friends again. Maybe....

I love staying after school so much. I get to talk to such the best people. Ahh. I'm so happy. You have no idea how happy I am right now, seriously it's insane. I had the best afternoon in history. Well at leat recent history... but that's not the point. lalala.

Oh my goodness, I love spanish. It's the only class that we do something new and interesting in everyday. It's great. The people are pretty cool too. I have tonz of friends in that class and I've made some "friends" there too. Though, I'll probably never really hang out with them outside of class. It's just cool to have people to talk to, ya' know? Awesomeness.

Anyway, I'll stop blabbing on about nothing now. Adios, my dears. Much love. Rock on.

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shoe fight, 03-22-04 9:41pm

yeah so the whole shoe thing after school...that'll be a high school memory not soon forgotton. My foot is still sad.
good job w/ the release in softball..i'm glad you didn't leave me for j.v. (that's selfish i know!) lol

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Re: shoe fight, 03-23-04 7:34pm

gracias my dear. oh and the shoe thing will be a lasting memory! lol. i love it! but i swear it's rob who brused you!! lol.

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03-23-04 3:11pm

i know.....(the first paragraph) whatever i get a new cd outta it was *he* today? im really upset that katies sucks... call me when u get this so that i can study for the test tomorrow thanks soooo mucho! lylas

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03-23-04 5:45pm

so, why is your afterschool stay so grand???


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Re:, 03-23-04 7:36pm

3 guesses, 2 don't count.

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Re:, 03-23-04 9:04pm

because of moi! and shoes lol

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