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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 3-25-2004 at 8:19am
Yesterday was a blah day. Wasn’t good wasn’t bad. I was looking forward to after I got home, but yeah…nothing to really look forward too. I didn’t have practice because of the weather, which really bites. And then I went to the gym w/ my dad, where I played basketball w/ a bunch of smelly dumb guys who couldn’t really play basketball at all. Went home and went to bed, I was really sleepy. What a fun night huh?
I did do a lot of thinking last night, nothing really knew. Yeah, I just don’t care anymore. I do, but I don’t ya know? I’ve got my eye on something else that might actually work out anyway. So good is where it’ll stay. But IF it turns out like that again, ahhh I’ll go crazy. Forgiveness is a hard thing that doesn’t make sense. A hard thing that I really can’t seem to find these days. But hey, what’s new? I just simply…don’t care. You should have chose it, simple as that, and you didn’t. So yup, that’s it.
Our first game is Monday, I’m so excited! Yay! You all better come to watch me, and make posters w/ my name on them., WITH SPARKELS!!! Heh. Just Joshin w/ ya. But yeah I’m really excited. The rest of this year is going to go bye so fast. We have like 2 or 3 games a week, w/ tournaments on the weekends. Spring break is in like a week, less than that. Like 3 days. Then we come back to school for a week or so then we leave for New York, fun fun! I’m gonna miss Devon! Then we come back, then I leave again, then we have games all month. Yay! I’m soooo ready for school to just get done and over with.

<3 Jess
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03-25-04 4:09pm

"I'm gonna miss Devon!"

and what...not me?



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03-25-04 4:10pm

the next thing ya know, you'll be calling me the wrong name..


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