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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 3-25-2004 at 6:50pm
Current mood: hungry
Music: Linkin Park - Faint
Subject: Si senoorrrr
I say si senor to Alex and he says "I don't speak Chinese" lol. But anywho...I just took a shower like 30 minutes ago...I'm clean now. Hmm what did I do today ? Well I woke up at around 7:30 to go to the airport with my mom cause she was leaving to New Jersey. Wow it was so sad leaving her like that, I felt a tear almost coming down but I didn't cry. She's good though, her flight came in fine, she called. So now I'm just here at home doing nothing. Ryan stopped by like 3 hours ago. He's so sweet ! But yeah...tomorrow i'll be heading over to Amandas and sleeping over for two days..yay! I <3 her. A little while ago I was playing online pool with Shai and I whooped his ass...okay maybe my ass got handed to me lol I sware I used to be better than him...grr. Well my bros gonna be getting us some chinese food and he should be coming home like now xox byee
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Water Moccasins, 03-26-04 10:32am

roses are red violets are maroon i jus got a new animal and its a racoon lol i dunno i was bored
- Chi-Town's Finest

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03-27-04 11:20am

fuck u bitch

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Re: shawwwwwwwwwty, 03-29-04 5:26pm

dont be mad

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