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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-25-2004 at 7:19pm
Current mood: bitchy
Music: Every punky/ angry song on my playlist.
Subject: Is it possible to be so stressed that it's soothing??
Okay so I had a hell of a day. If you didn't have tosee me you're very lucky I promise. I was a bitch, and certain things that happened at lunch didn't help at all. Ugh, I just wanna' hit something... really really hard. At practice I almost killed Ariana because I was throwing the ball at her head so hard and fast that she had trouble catching it. I feel like crap though, seriously. OY!! Even had a majorly large headache all day to top it all off, and for the 2nd day in a row!! Gay mucho!

I seriously need to talk to *name*. Like a lot. I talked to him after school, but that so didn't help. I was afraid to say a whole lot because there were so many people near us. Ugh, evilness. The thing is though, I don't know how to be mad at him. That so deeply pisses me off!! I get mad at other people and they know I'm mad, even Jake! But with *name* it's just different. I like him so much... and he majorly pissed me off. Oh well, whatever. Life is a bowl of drama... might as well get used to it.

Okay I shall go now. Adios.

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03-25-04 10:35pm

jay... they are boys.....boys are dumb.....dont HAPPY AS A PEACH!! dont worry i love u!

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Re:, 03-28-04 3:13pm

i love you allie

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Re: Re:, 03-28-04 4:24pm

and of course i love you

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cheer up, 03-26-04 7:43pm

be happy mon amie! just ignore *name* and be HAPPY!!!! well softball today shoulda cheered ya up...all it's muddy-ness!!

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Re: cheer up, 03-28-04 3:14pm

it did... kinda'... sliding was GREAT fun!!!

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03-26-04 9:35pm

You know we'll all get over this sometime, but what's up to you is what you do AFTER it's over. You should keep on reminding yourself of that, or else you might forget. And forgetting can hurt sometimes.

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