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emmyd (profile) wrote, on 3-27-2004 at 3:40pm | |
Current mood: bored Music: burn.. Subject: hmm |
it is so amazing how you can like a person so much and they have no idea who you are. its so amazing you can see that person and be around that person everyday and they still cannot seem to place your face. it think to myself... if only that person would notice me and notice that i am right beside them... then maybe just maybe i would have a chance. There was a Russian, an American, and a blonde. The Russian brags "We were the first ones in space." So they American says "We were the first ones on the moon." Then the blonde says "I'm gonna be the first one on the sun" The Russian and the American say "Impossible. You'll burn!" The blonde shakes her head and laughs. "No silly. I'm going at night!" ^^sry had to put this here Don't say you love me unless it's true because I might do something stupid like believe you. Do YoU hAvE a DiRtY mInD?? 1. WhAt Is A fOuR-lEtTeR wOrD tHaT eNdS iN ‘k’ AnD mEaNs ThE sAmE aS iNtErCoUrSe? 2. WhAt Is It ThAt A cOw HaS fOuR oF aNd A wOmAn HaS oNlY tWo Of? 3. WhAt CaN yOu FiNd In A mAn'S pAnTs ThAt Is AbOuT sIx InChEs LoNg, HaS a HeAd On It, AnD tHaT wOmEn LoVe So MuCh ThAt ThEy OfTeN bLoW iT? 4. WhAt WoRd StArTs WiTh "F " aNd EnDs WiTh "U-c-K"? 5. NaMe FiVe WoRdS tHaT aRe EaCh FoUr LeTtErS lOnG, eNd iN " u-N-t " OnE oF wHiCh Is A wOrD fOr A wOmAn? 6. WhAt DoEs A dOg Do ThAt YoU cAn StEp InTo? 7. WhAt FoUr LeTtEr WoRd BeGiNs WiTh "F " aNd EnDs WiTh K", aNd If YoU cAn'T gEt OnE yOu CaN uSe YoUr HaNdS? 8. WhAt Is HaRd, SiX iNcHeS lOnG, hAs TwO nUtS, aNd CaN mAkE a GiRl FaT? 9. WhAt FoUr-LeTtEr WoRd EnDs In "I-t " AnD iS fOuNd On ThE bOtToM oF bIrDcaGeS? 10. WhAt Is It ThAt AlL mEn HaVe OnE oF; It'S lOnGeR oN sOmE mEn ThAn On OtHeRs; ThE pOpE dOeSn'T uSe HiS; aNd A mAn GiVeS iT tO hIs WiFe AfTeR tHeY'rE mArRiEd? ANSWERS: 1. (TaLk) 2. (LeGs) 3. (A tWeNtY dOlLaR bIlL) 4. (FiReTrUcK) 5. (BuNt, HuNt, RuNt, PuNt, AuNt) 6. (PaNtS) 7. (FoRk) 8. (AlMoNd JOy CaNdY bAr) 9. (GrIt) 10. (LaSt NaMe) If bunnies don't lay eggs why is it on Easter that we hide eggs from the Easter Bunny? Two blondes are walking in the woods, and they come across some tracks. The first blonde says they're wolf tracks. The second one argues they're deer tracks. Ten minutes later, they get hit by a train. why r blond jokes so short? so guys can understand them! Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke sum marijuana jack got high and dropped his fly and said " do ya wanna?" jill said yes and dropped her dress and they did the hanky panky silly Jill forgot her pill and out came little Frankie ^^ hehehehe You're only bad if you're caught... So that makes me a good girl, RIGHT!? A father asked his son, Little Johnny, if he knew about the birds and the bees. "I don't want to know!" Little Johnny said, bursting into tears. Confused, his father asked Little Johnny what was wrong. "Oh Pop," Johnny sobbed, "For me there was no Santa Claus at age six, no Easter Bunny at seven, and no Tooth Fairy at eight. And if you're telling me now that grownups don't really have sex, I've got nothing left to believe in!" |
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Anonymous | i heart u, 03-27-04 6:05pm i love you emily :) u get an A+ on that lil white boy haha we will capture our men one of these days :-P i love u what wud i do without you, o yesh and emily SMILE :-) hehe kk ttyl
emmyd | Re: i heart u, 03-27-04 6:48pm I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |