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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 3-27-2004 at 11:10pm
Music: The Beautiful Mistake - disclosure
Subject: Rollercoaster favorite ride
So today was good. I was awoken around 7:30...yuck. It was okay though because I had to go to the school anyways. So I picked up Sean and we went to the MST "festival". It was....okay? Then we went to DD and back to his house.

I BEAT HIM AT MARIO PARTY!!!! >>finally! Then he had band practice and such. Thennn I dont remember what we did next. Uhh dinner? Then back to my house. We brought his little brother, Connor. My mom puts rollitos in cans now. We watched What Women Want. Then my mom drove them home. Of course its illegal to talk with her without getting in a fight so we had our little fit. Now she's playing the "I love you" game. I hate that game. I also hate my compulsive eating...its a tad annoying.

I had a good day...what did I do with that paper? I need it right now.

God damn hic-ups. Why are they called that?

I want to go to bed.

Goodnight world

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Hey!, 03-28-04 12:16pm

I'd just like everyone to know, that it was a very close game. Congrats baby! I love you!

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