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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-28-2004 at 2:05pm
Current mood: sleepy, yet awake.
Music: the race..
Subject: We're all sinners, we're all unclean, maybe we're born w/ it or maybe it's maybeline.
Yesterday was so great! It was my dad's birthday party, which rocked. I love his friends... well most of the time. My aunt and uncle brought their newly adopted baby, she's soo cute! So yea, that deeply rocked. And my uncle, finally, got to see my drum set. (he has one too, I totally look up to him in that aspect) He went upstairs to look at it and ended up playing it, which was awesome!! Lauren was there too because her parents and mine are friends so she saw him play and had this amazed look on her face. It was hilarious. But yea, great fun.

I just wanted to let you all know that you rock. Seriously you do. No matter what crap I go through if I need someone to talk to you're there. I love it. But I also want to let you know that I'm here if you ever need to talk too... remember that. I love you all. (you know who you are)

Adios my friends. much love. rock on.

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03-28-04 7:18pm

I love you too, jacqui! lol.

I'm here to talk to whenever you want, and you know that.


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