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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 3-28-2004 at 4:11am
Current mood: indescribable
Music: Hungry Eyes - ??
Subject: Lonesome
i aint talked to kelly since thrusday, and only for a few minutes then. hes got himself a new job, and he has to be there by like 5:30 which is 4:30 over here, but he has to leave at 5/4 to get there or whatever, and i get home at 4 and i dont know what time he gets off...and yeah its fucked up. anyways, at kaylas birthday party, justin and i wrestled, and i was in my pajama pants, and he picked me up and threw me down on the mattress and the whole crotch and leg ripped out of them...yeah they kinda saw some stuff no one but me has seen at this age. i was so embarrassed, but i went, got some jeans on and finished wrestling. i got so many damn bruises and im so sore, but it was so much fun. i accidentally kicked him in the balls, and he almost started crying, so i felt so bad, but he regrouped pretty fast and got me down and just sat on me. then we watched texas chainsaw massacure and freddy vs jason. then we wrestled some more, ate, and talked a lot about stuff. it was an interesting night. i got mooned and i saw a penis...great night. i hope kellys aint as big as that one or he can just pleasure himself when we meet....
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03-28-04 8:06pm

Im gonna post me schedule on here so that doesnt happen rach

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03-28-04 8:09pm

Im gonna post me schedule on here so that doesnt happen rach

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Re:, 03-30-04 8:26pm

Apparently my comments are being put on by 2's. Its now Tuesday where are you?! I miss you. I dont know whats up with you or anything, youve kinda left me in the dark. Did I do something to hurt you?

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Re: Re:, 03-31-04 12:37am

oh sweety you aint done anything to hurt me at all. oh dont even think that ok? i didnt mean to leave you in the dark, things are so messed up around here, iv not told you half of what goes on at my house, i think nicole knows the most because i broke down and told her everything, but its really nothing to bad so dont worry. oh im so so so so so sorry.

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