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Impersonality (profile) wrote,
on 3-28-2004 at 9:13pm
Current mood: Happily tired
Music: Lapis Lazuli - A Solitude that Asks Nothing in Return
Subject: No, I'd never need a phone if you'd live next door to me
Well, the weekend was very kind to me. Als had a sleep over for her hparty and we played DDR the whole night. Damn. I need to buy that game..hmmm... Anyway, it was very fun and we all have a good time. Oce again. happy birthday, Als!

We're entering the fourth quarter in school, hot damn! So, i don't have shop anymore (thank god) I'll have home ech, or 'family consumer science" as the big wigs call it. Casey's gonna be my cooking partner, and we're gonna cook up a whole lottta trouble! >:3

Well, on Thursday, our wonderful school had a bomb threat. They went through this long ass evacuation thing and we got moved to the elementarty schools for a few hours and then they took us back and then sent us home 10 minutes later. Apparently, they found a note by the swimming pool. It was probably an 8th grader trying to get out of the PSSA'a (our state standardized tests) That wouldn' surprise me. Things like that have been happening at other Erie schools. hmmm.
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03-29-04 2:37am

i thought we were going in the fourth quarter? thanks for the happy b-day. won't be in school tomorrow

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