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kit_Katt (profile) wrote,
on 1-6-2003 at 2:20pm
Music: One Girl Revolution-SuperChic many new developments....Pussy will be happy. The story is having a few new twists....but it is sounding good. My brother wants to be Sniper....which he will totally rock at! (Cus he is obsessed with all those weapons and stuff and he knows like a million useless facts about it.) But now we have an original four. (heheehee) Sorry, I just realized that most of you have no clue what I am talking about! Oh well! Be left in the dark!!! Muhahahahahahhahaaa!!!
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01-06-03 4:51pm

lol kate i love you!

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lol..., 01-06-03 6:46pm

Lol...I dont know what the hell yer talking bout..But it sounds kinda interesting..MAtt...a sniper *laughs* sorry i have always found him to be a dork and dont really like em... But Maybe he has grown up a bit since the last time i saw him... But anyways..yeah im gonna go


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Um........................, 01-06-03 7:56pm

I am assuming that I am still one of the four main Characters? If I am, could I read it to be cought up? I haven't seen any details since like Before I left for Europe. It's kinda funny that I actually had an idea that got followed through even if it isn't me who does it. I would like to help if you want it though. You should hear the Idea I got for one the other week, I've written a little. I'll turn this into a screenplay with your permission eventually.

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Re: Um........................, 01-06-03 9:07pm

Oh come now Cipher, like there could really be a Shina without you. You, afterall did start the entire ordeal. I haven't added anything to it really, just some ideas. But of course, I would love to hear what you have.

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OHH, 01-07-03 9:19pm

teehee..... i know two million useless facts about weapons.....tehee.......

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Re: OHH, 01-08-03 7:28am

well then I'll come to you if my brother doesn't know one of the 2 million facts that you do, k? :P

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