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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 3-29-2004 at 6:46pm
Current mood: mellow
Music: dear claudia by..crap i forgot who!
Subject: howdy ppl i dont know!
well today was alrite. i skipped latin practice to hang out wit colin at lunch...cuz i felt like it! and ya we mite hang out this weekend cuz my mommy's not workin saturday or sunday.. he called me today and he wants me to go wit him to this water skiing camp! it sounds like soooo much fun! but ya it's like 300 dollars.....but maybe i mite be able to pay for it though cuz like...ima get a job durin the summer i dunno we'll see i guess. he was really cute today...he's like aww i like ur hair it looks nice.....i was like.....tank ya! hehe ooh my asthma's tonin down a lil bit which is awesome cuz i dont wanna be like wheezing on the latin definitely gonna have to take my nebulizer but oh's either that or another asthma attack...i wonder if asthma's contagious....hmm..i hope i dont get colin sick...haha that would suck...ima go look that up online when im done wit this.....haha omg today i opened my locker and...well since we all know how organized i am...:-/ .. well as soon as i opened it all my books came out and fell rite ON MY NOSE! haha it was swollen all through lunch..i was like oooowwwwwwwiiiieeee! haha colin kissed my boo boo i was like awwww that's so sweet. hmm..i wonder what we're gonna do this weekend..cuz i mean theres no movie out that i really wanna see....well like i wanna see the prince and me..or jersey girl...but i mean come on haha im not gonna drag him to another chick flick! the poor thing..haha. ima tell him he can pick this time...that way it'll be fair...well ya okies ppls ima go bye bye cuz i gotta log off in a lil bit anywayz to read hamlet....way to go thaimi! leavin everything till last minute! no one procrastinates quite like me ill tell u that! hehe okies buhz byez

PS. oh yea i forgot to tell u guys this the other day! well when i went to the doctor.....i got weighed....haha which is like the only time when i ever get weighed....well omg guess what?! I WEIGH 122 POUNDS!!!! isn't that beautiful?! im so happy! i went from 135 to 122!!!!! yay! so ya now my goal is 115...cuz before my goal was 120...and well im purdy much ya....but i know im not gonna lose that much weight...cuz well my boobs....haha that always adds on a couple pounds.....oh wellz hehe okies now im done...::bows::

tonite's song: fuck you rite back by frankee
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lalalla, 03-30-04 2:27pm

u called colin a thing...hehe...and uh...we don't have lockers...and uh asthma's not contagious! dumbass! Well I kinda like umm couldn't keep to my diet...but uh since Amy's here I get some sort of exercise...hehe...yesterday at around 11 o clock we went to the pool cuz we wanted to take pics...and my brother told us he'd come so we ran off without him to try to lock him out...*he had keys so it kind of defeated the whole purpose of locking him out* but yeah we ran like hell

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Re: lalalla, 03-30-04 6:31pm

hehe dumbfuck.....well that diet lasted long....wat was that like a whole two days?! GASP!

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