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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 3-31-2004 at 11:00am | |
Current mood: aggravated Music: cowboy take me away - Dixie Chicks Subject: Something or Another |
ok someone downloaded something on the damn computer that had the "parasite" (as our computer teacher called it) adware on it or in it or whatever. so, now we have like the slowest computer of all times. but its only slow sometimes, like earlier it was really freakin slow, and now its back to its normal pace. its confusing, maybe the dumb adware thing has nothing to do with it, i dont know, im not very smart in the technology department. im good at reading, so ill just stick to my books. anyways, were going to have this computer guy come and work his magic and hopefully all the problems shall be gone by the end of the week. that is, if dad ever freakin calls him. we finally got the second phone line, now we just have to run the actual line from under the house up to the inside, itll take like an hour to get it all sorted out, and he still hasnt done it. weve had it since like last thursday. he pisses me off so much, oh and mom has been at my throat nonstop lately, dont know what the crap i did to her, but i cant even do anything about it or fight back because i cant afford to get grounded because i dont want to not talk to kelly and them, and i already aint talked to them for 2 days. good lord i swear my life is falling apart now, i dont know how kelly can put up with all my drama, im suprised he dont just crack. i love him so much and hes one of the reasons i keep going, i couldnt do it without him, as a friend or as a boyfriend. i love you sweety, more then youll ever know Rach |
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Valoth | 03-31-04 3:03pm Trust me Rachel, Ive got drama at my house too; maybe not as much as your house. But theres some there. Between my parents yelling at my brother and sister for there money troubles spilling to them to them taking it out on me. lol I guess thats my part in the family, since I dont have money troubles I get the venting from everyone. oh well. *shrugs* I guess I just dont tell much about it.