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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-31-2004 at 7:57pm
Current mood: amused
Music: Swing Swing; All American Rejects
Subject: Hitting people with corn stalks is a good form of entertainment.
Hola! I haven't been on in a couple days... which is kinda' a good thing... but yea. I was grounded from computadora use. Because I am just such a bad child...*rolls eyes* not. But that's okay.

So yea, if there's one thing I learned in health class this year, it's not to get married... ever. Lordy, that project was deeply difficult. We got about 3 weeks to do what people take almost a year to do. And in that same time we had to make a budget involving up to three kids for 7 years. So I have officially decided never to get married or if I do, not to have kids. Or maybe I'll just not do either of those things until I'm 30... ya' never know. But you get my point.

So, as of when mi madre came to pick me up the varsity was kicking Central's booties in softball. Which so totally rocks! Katie Empie got a REALLY awesome hit and ended up getting herself and 2 other runners home... it rocked!! It was really cool watching Julie pitch too. I'm so proud of her, Kayla too actually. Both of them are on Varsity as freshmen. Even Kayla's sister wasn't on until her sophmore year... and she's going to Hawaii to play in a national league!! That's pretty darn good in my opinion. But I still miss playing with them there. Kayla's been on my team since forever... it's just so sad. *wipes away tear* But I'm still proud... they rock deeply!!!

I was suppose to go to Re's soccor game tonight... but it was cold and wet and my mother disapproved... so I didn't. So anyone who knows how they did... you could fill me in... ya' know. Only if you want to....... :) I love you... lol. But even though I wasn't there: Re you rocked I'm sure I love you!! You're awesome!!!!!!

Okay I'll leave ya'll now. Adios. You rock!! Mucho amor.


My lovely friends(the ones not leaving over break)- we need to do something together over break!! Seriously... breaks get so deeply boring without you all. So we must do something... I don't know what yet but we'll figure it out. Okay? Okay! Talk to ya'll later. I'm out.
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03-31-04 8:42pm


We shall all go out and do something.

Because I know my break is going to be boring as hell. It'll consist of staying at home, doing absolutely nothing.

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Re:, 03-31-04 8:59pm

mine too. so far our group of people doing something together comes to a total of 2... but that's okay. lol. it hath begun. oh and you were right... that books ending is mucho gay.

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