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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 1-7-2003 at 6:57pm
ahh new schedule is not to my liking. Even though the classes were harder, i was around people i could talk to, friends i the only classes that ill really be able to enjoy are US history and english. what is even worse is that i already know two people who have been talking about me leaving IB behind my back, like they don;t want to talk me to me or something, its no big deal i guess, i wont have to deal with anyone that i know at atlantic when im done high school...
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01-07-03 8:32pm

when you blow us all off for good after high school are you gonna do it subtly or are you just gonna cover your ears when we try to talk to you and scream "lalalalalala"?

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01-07-03 9:19pm

i kno...ppl were like "tyler got kicked out?" and im like "no.."..ugh...rumors suck.

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