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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-3-2004 at 3:14pm
Boredness is dumb. So is coldness, and people who don't want to do anything. I need to do something!!!!!! Now you see why breaks annoy me. If I'm not doing anything I'm bored as heck. That and I live in the middle of nowhere on the opposite side of town from almost all my friends... except like, 2. But I don't hang out with them outside of school that much anyway!! Meh, evil breakness. How can one thing be so awesome and so crappy at the same time?! Oy vay. Meh. Well if anyone figures out something to do... let me know. I'll be here... well, for most of the time at least.

Adios my friends. Rock on. Mucho amor.

-*insert nickname here*-
ect... you get the point.
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04-03-04 3:58pm

Jacqui Jean.

Duh. How could you forget that one?

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