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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 4-3-2004 at 7:13pm
Current mood: excited
Music: the sound of ppls talkin at the dinner table
Subject: howdy ppls!
well the latin trip was purdy not sure i wanna give like a day to day recap of it but i definitely wanna highlight the best parts. well i found a swing set while i was there so naturally i went insane! hahaha omg i rode on it forever! then my friend charles..well i told him that i had never jumped off of a swing as it was moving cuz it scared me...and he's like omg thaimi u have to do it! and i was like ahhhh no it's too scary! so as i was swingin he got behind me and started pushing me and he's like thaimi i refuse to stop pushing u until u jump off! i was like omg no! haha he kept pushing and then andrew came and he started pushing thing u know im going so high that im practically like going over the swing thingy! omg i almost died! i was laughing so hard though it was so exciting! well then i found an air hockey game!!!! me and charles played 7 games! haha there went 7 bucks of my money...haha oh wellz it was soooo worth it! i got 5th place in both vocab and i got these two lil trophies...i was like yay go thaimi! haha a lil self-encouragement there... i called colin as soon as i got home...i missed my baby..haha well i called him and he was at work......he called me like a lil bit ago...(past my clock time) and he was like so wat time r we gonna meet up tomorrow and so ya i told him and stuff..oh crap dude im worried cuz we have these relatives over from miami and i had asked my mom thursday if i could go to the movies and like i told u guys she said yes....but now these relative ppls and my parents r makin plans to go to busch gardens like noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! but ya my mom said that she plans on being home before ya. me and colin r gonna have such a blast...he's so adorable..he called me and i was crazy bout u! i heard that him and his ex were talking again.......arg that makes me angry...but i can't let my jealousy take over cuz i know he wouldn't do that...he told me himself there's nothing at all going on between them and he seems like an honest person so i have no reason to doubt what he is telling i just need to suck it up and stop bein so worried. alritey well ima stop writing cuz i have to finish eatin dinner.....we're havin lobster.....YUMMO! haha ... alritey buhz byez

tonite's song: don't tell me by avril lavigne
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04-04-04 3:00pm

ew lobster..stinking lobster made me forget wat i was gonna say...hhee o i remmeber...once when i was really young i went to the park n i was on the swing and i jumped...i fell but on the sand...i love swings too..last yr i remember at the best buddy i was fighting for one *which was technically mine since i spotted it first* hehe..

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Re:, 04-06-04 6:15pm

hehe ya i was swingin along wit all the lil 5 yr olds....hehe i've always been a kid at heart....hmm

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