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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-4-2004 at 9:48pm
Current mood: Happy
Music: None at all.
Subject: Oh happy day...
I'm showing my grandmama this site right now. Because she doesn't use the internet too much and I decided it would be fun!! So yea. Have a lovely day all. I love you lots and lots!!!!!! Rock on.

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04-05-04 1:45am

Oh, God. Hopefully, you didn't show her my journal.

Haha... She probably wouldn't let you hang out with me anymore.

Egh, I'm so vulgar.

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Re:, 04-05-04 1:58pm

ha, don't worry she wouldn't care even if I did. lol. Besides, I enjoy your journal... it's fun to read! Rock on mi amiga.

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