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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-5-2004 at 2:01pm
Current mood: crazy
Music: Newsboys; Amazing Love
Subject: My car is almost done!
Hmm.. what to say. Let's see. First of all, my car is almost done. The only thing that we have to do is make it shift into passing gear... because it won't. And no one knows why. Which is gay... but it's still almost done and I'm immensly happy about that. GREATNESS!!!!! lol. Sorry, it's just deeply exciting. Steph's finally getting her lisence pretty soon too. Like, in the next couple of weeks most likely. Isn't it great?! I think so. But then again... those of you who'll have to share the road with her may not think the same. hehe ;) Just kidding... kinda'...

So yea, I got my hair cut. It's mucho mucho different. Seriously... way more different than I planned on it being but that's okay. The only thing that really bugs me is that I can't put it up into a ponytail very easily anymore... and that is something I need to be able to do during softball. Meh, evilness. But oh well, it's all good.

So how's break going for ya'll?? Mine's kick butt so far. Well except that I miss all my friendly ones. But that's easily remedeed. We have practice tomorrow, so I'll see some of my lovlies there... and those that I don't I'll find a way to see sooner or later! Ya' know... we should go see a movie this weekend guys. (Mostly Heather and Justine since they were the ones who wanted to do something joyful over break.) But any of ya'll are welcome to come!! I just don't know what we should see. Hmm...

Alrighty then, I shall talk to you all later. Have a rockin' break. See ya' when I see ya'.
Much love my friends. Rock on.

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i love your car, 04-08-04 5:37pm

your car is just soooooo awesome Jacqui! i LOVE it. so jelous...

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