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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-5-2004 at 2:31pm
Current mood: Pointless evil moods!!
Music: The noise that the computer makes while it's on.
I know I should be over all this crap with *him*. (if you know what I'm talking about good for you but if you dont'... you won't so don't ask) I really should. But the truth is, I'm not. I still like him, for some reason totally unknown to me. But I don't trust him. How can I? I'm just kinda' confused. I don't even know if anything he says to me is true anymore. The more I think about it the more I don't know. Ugh, that's so freaking gay!! So I have come to the conclusion that guys are dumb and I should just forget they are alive... at least guys in Cedar. I know them too well, everything they've ever done I know about... unless they're new. But you see my point. This is BS I tell you. Grr.. I hate not knowing what's going on in my life. But at least I have God, the one guy in my life who will NEVER let me down. That's what keeps me from killing someone. So I guess you should all be thankful I have him too, huh?

Much love, rock on.


The whole guys suck thing, it doesn't apply to Ben. Because I can always count on Ben. So to you Ben: You rock, I love you!! Have an awesomely fun day. Rock on.
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04-05-04 3:15pm

im sorry about guys jacqui, ive been there. I feel bad, cause i mean i sorta started this ... i hope things become less confusing for you.

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Re:, 04-05-04 3:18pm

thank you. but you didn't start it. believe me. he did what he did on his own. you actually helped, if ya' think about it! so don't worry about it. i love you. rock on.

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Re: Re:, 04-05-04 3:20pm

lol i helped? well i guess thats good, lol thank you i love you to, and hopefully things get better for ya.

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04-05-04 11:53pm

what'd i do this time? assuming that you are talking about me. i deserved it the first time, but what'd i do this time?!?!

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Re:, 04-07-04 7:07pm

u didn't do anything. i was venting... because i was annoyed with you. but yea... I'm sorry. i still love you. just me being a crazed lunatic. so yea. adios.


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04-06-04 1:46pm

alright Syd/Jekyll
*talks in serious voice* when you think you're getting mad go outside and pitch a softball against a tree. seriously!! it helps. trust me! lol. *ends serious voice* softball was terrific today!! *laughs* and if you can't tell ... i am mocking you! muahahaha

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Re:, 04-07-04 7:04pm

*in serious voice* u... scare me. *stops serious voice* lol.

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04-09-04 8:32am

holy shit jacqui.....i love you... sorry it took me so long but yeah i was in Ill. so i cant be blamed but thats all i can think with caleb... im sooooo sick of him and im sick of kalli tellin my somethin else new about him everyday. and im fuckin sick of it all. lets move!! lol anywhere ud like...OMG CANADA!!! woop woop thats where we can move!!! yay!!
love always

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Re:, 04-09-04 12:19pm

Canada? no too cold. how about Florida... or California? warm, pretty, lovely places!! lol. and there are plenty of hot guys there to get our minds off stupid ones.

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Re:, 04-09-04 12:20pm

Canada? no too cold. how about Florida... or California? warm, pretty, lovely places!! lol. and there are plenty of hot guys there to get our minds off stupid ones.

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Re: Re:, 04-09-04 12:35pm

no...not florida...we both know whos there right now...and i cant take it...cali. sounds nice...we could live by your grandparents. yup! hehehe

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Re: Re: Re:, 04-10-04 4:49pm

you guys would HAVE to take me tho.!! i've never been to cali.!!

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 04-12-04 3:18pm

me either... id be cool thou but i dunno if i wanna move still but maybe after tonight..cross ur fingers jacqui!!

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