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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 1-8-2003 at 8:18pm
Hello. My head hurts less now,thank you hehe

School is actually very excellent so far with the exception of everyone getting kicked out :0( TOK is very interesting too bad Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance isn't.

I met a boy that is wonderful.. Weird eh? It seems kind of weird but hes really cool and I think he enjoys talking to me (hope so anyways lol) Lets see... he likes Radiohead (like canadian Dave) and hes really into SKA and we have excellent conversations :0P hes NOT a republican, not gay haha, a nice guy so far. Maybe after yoga we'll get married heh (that ones for you :0P)

I think for the first time in a long time i'm in an excellent mood. This is kind of nice.
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01-08-03 9:36pm

Does ska stand for super kinetic association? Can I join?

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Re:, 01-09-03 6:50am

yes lol

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01-08-03 9:37pm

I like ZatAoMM!

Acronyms rock! Like Radiohead!

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Re:, 01-09-03 6:50am

that took me wayy too long Dave lol i was like wtf is zataMM????

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01-08-03 10:46pm

yes... we will get married.. and we will have a million little connies and vivis... and it will be good :P. Well .. i feel the same way about you... talk to you soon --

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Re:, 01-09-03 6:52am

lol and scare Steve-o/Chris/Rude Revolt?? :0P it had better be damn good! maybe between my litters?? perhaps.

I'm guna talk to you in 8hrs :0)

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01-11-03 2:59am

Yay for ska!

Jeez Vi, how come *you* have such luck w/the fellas? ;p

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