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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 4-5-2004 at 10:36pm | |
Current mood: Clean <3 Subject: Blah blah blah, your needs! |
Hey homies! Another day in teh life of.. George. o.o; >.> Yeah.. anyways, we'll chat about my day, though I can hardly remember myself. But I'll try. :: Home Ec. :: Bah, boring. I talked to Gaby and Shelby a smidge, and Meimi.. Meimi fucking loves me or something, she's like a frickin' cling-on, but she's sweet at times.. I mean, she just moved here from Peru, trying to find some people.. I noticed she was reading a Spanish Sailor Moon and.. it blossomed from there.. So far, she's lost one of my books, and I think she might of misplaced another, unless someone else has it -_- But anyways, still working on my sewing project, not much progress. :: Band :: Finished the last judge's tape and talked about th Universal trip and stuff, not much happenin' there.. Not all that good.. if you overlook the fact.. that it's UNIVERSAL STUDIOS.. on a SCHOOL DAY! o.o Yeah.. >.> :: Lunch :: Ahhh, the crazy subject. Loved by most. I went around and hugged people *-* People I knew, mind you. A lot of them didn't see it coming ^-^; But I had fun. I've been eating less at lunch *-* 'Cause I wanna get SKINNEH! Skinneh = gewd. AND DON'T YOU SAY I'M SKINNY, 'CAUSE I'M NOT! >.< I've made a commitment, eh. :: History :: Me and Erik have started a tradition; if I hit the wall with my back pack before class, we dance. So we danced. And it was good. Yeah, then during class, he was sinking the Hamtaro song. And I tried to write Penelope on his knuckle, but ended up writing Penelop xDDDDD Penelop It was amusing. Then I called him Marvin, which I tried to write on his knuckle, and it came out Marvi. xDDDDD Marvi.. I forgot what else I attempted to adorn his knuckles with, but whatever they were, we laughed at them.. :: Math :: Blah, same old math. I drew/wrote a comic about how Square Roots may solve real life problems. It depicted two boys fighting, I lunging in, exclaiming "CEASE!" and they go "Why?" and I go " 'Cause there are square roots!" They look dumb founded, then angry, and I'm like "I... I helped?.... EEKS!" and so.. I am attacked.. >.> Fun. :: Language :: Bleh, teh usual crazy Ms.Schwartz. But I love her T.T I'm not on the right chapter for her -_- I'm working on it.. :: Science :: Not all that eventful, but Melissa Zender's new name is Melissa Penelope Zenger.. 'cause I said so. She so cool e.e; :: After School :: Blah, not much. We ran around.. and.. smashed dirt clauds.. and stole Keith's house keys.. and had peice of my clarinet stolen, and shits like that. SUPER FUN! I got most of my highschool form filled out. I just need a parent to sign it, and to sign it myself.. not to mention my ID number, and I'm set! I hope I don't have to go to the doctor -_____- I HATEX0RS teh doctor. They should buuuurn. And stuff.. Giving Emily fuggin' shots.. PSH! Whimpoids. >.>; BET THEY COULDN'T TAKE ME ON IN A REAL FIGHT! A DOA tournament! OH YEAH! I'd so kixx0rs them to nothinggggg <.< Anyways, I better go. <3<3<3 To meh faithful readers o.0; XD ~Em-chan |
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magical-muffin-of-doom | 04-06-04 2:06am Ohhh deary, no i'm not too fond of doctors either o_o |
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re:, 04-06-04 8:50pm ._.
SweetLiLaur | Hee Hee, 04-06-04 9:31pm Hey Em, I think you forgot the part the part in science when Melissa and you ripped the page of the science book LoL
A-Demons-Angel | Re: Hee Hee, 04-09-04 10:39pm Kimmeh (aka...a teh mummy o' this household) and I were reading this and cracking up.