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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 4-6-2004 at 12:53am
Current mood: indescribable
Music: 8th world wonder - Kimberely Locke
Subject: shopping...hehe
i was just signing on to msn, when mom walked in the door and told us to grab our shoes, and to get to the van cuz we was 'a goin shoppin'. we aint been shopping in a long time, sure weve been to pick something up, which means nothing besides what is on the list (though taylor always manages to get something...go figure) and anyways, it was fun, but i miss kelly so damn much, lol i aint talked to him since thursday, which sucks some nasty ass...hmm i wanna talk to him but hes in bed, which is where i need to be but im hyper from shopping. i got a bra, a pair of underwear thats green and lay "aint you lucky" on them, lol i love them, but anyways, a pair of jeans, and a trucker hat. lmao its funny as hell, i met up with a few friends in the mall, so we all decided to get one. mines green...yeah i like green incase that wasnt obvious, and a green shirt. lol it was fun! oh and i got a giant jaw breaker, as always. i have to get one of them everytime i go to the mall, it is a must. anyways, ima finish up talking to karlie then im off to bed
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04-06-04 11:51am

Told you he would cool off. All you had to do was give him a little space. As for not being able to talk to me, well Im still limpin around somewhere. Guess you get some more "non kelly" days.

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