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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 4-6-2004 at 6:05pm
Current mood: busy
Music: Either pretty woman or I want you to want meee
Subject: ASL Show 2morrow
Well hey hey, I changed the background and stuff to my journal again...seemed to spooky the last time. I love this makes me want to look find an actual place that looks like this, maybe there is ..? But anyways here's how my day went..
- 1st period [ .intensive. ] - i hate the mornings, it's always in the high 50's ..I wish it could be just like stable and stay like 75 degrees. This portable is freezing inside when it is freezing outside, I know it wasn't freezing but you know how it goes. We're reading a really good book that I find quite interesting. I think it's called "Lesson before dying"..seems cool dude/yo.
- 2nd period [ .geometry. ] - learning some new crap that once again I barely understand..I hate this subject !!!!!1111
- 3rd period [ .english. ] - my teach was being a pissy mood today. We're reading some book called "Lord of the Flies" and my god that book just has too many words. We're supose to read uptill chapter 8 by thursday but um i've only read like 7 pages out of the entire book, it gets too boring I need excitment, drama, catastrophe all those adjectives !! Maybe when amanda and I are heading to Orlando I'll read in the car, I mean what the hell am I going to be doing for 3 and a half hours, ...sleep I could do but I might fall asleep early at Amandas wednesday night...we'll see.
- 4th period [ .computers. ] - we're having a sub be in all week so that's kinda cool. I actually did my work today and then I just sat with Elaine and I yell at Logan complaining that I'm bored...he throws me a dollar to make the paper's's like we have our own little signal.
- 5th period [ .biology. ] - had a sub Nicole said today..we always have the coolest subs for this subs that really don't care what we do. So basically did nothing in this class !
- 6th period [ .sign language. ] - our class and ASL I class went to the 'little theater' and the people who are going to be in the ASL show tomorrow. My group is going to be signing..."I want you to want me", "Pretty Woman" and "Footloose" <-- but ehh I don't like that song..I'm not going to sign that.
- 7th period [ .world history. ] - did test review and basically thats it.

SooOo later I have to keep practicing for my songs and Ryan's gonna help me with them. And tomorrow is the show at 7oclock p.m. and then after that I'm heading to Amanda's house like at 9-ish or 10-ish and I'm sleeping over there and heading to Orlando filled day at Islands of Adventure..I'm so in love with that place I dont know why..I could go there everyday and not get tired of it...or maybe I dunno I guess I'd have to try but I'm not going to. And hopefully when we come back Saturday Manderz and I shall hang out with Phillip cause we haven't hung out with him inawhile.. well Amanda has but I haven't...I'm done ciao
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Pink Grapes, 04-07-04 9:13pm

Andrea y must u insist on using indeed as the title 4 yur journal

- Chi-Town's Finest(yur trusting friend)

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