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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 4-6-2004 at 6:17pm
Current mood: tired
Music: singing in my head...
Subject: nothin much...
well today was a purdy good day....haha i start off most of my journal entries that way...or so i've noticed. ooh i forgot to tell u and colin went to the movies sunday nite...we had a blast...haha.. we cuddled incessantly...he's so cuddly! so adorable too hehe. but ok im not gonna give details cuz i dont want ppls to become nauseated hehe. but w/e ... so today i caught up wit most of my make up work from friday...all i need is to take my ap euro test........OMG I HAVE AN A IN AP EURO!!!!! so exciting! so i have straight A's and a B in physics..cept im kinda scared i mite have a B in latin...haha pathetic that i shall get a B in such an easy class...but i never do hw i dunno...but i think i still mite have pulled off an A....ooh speakin of latin, today we got the results for the national latin exam...i got a silver medal! whoopee! they only award gold and silver.....and after that u get some crappy certificate.....i missed 4 q's out of 40....if i had missed one less i would have had a gold medal instead....pero oh wellz im still proud. not sure what else to say...i talked to my baby today..he's so cutieful...we wanna do somethin this weekend....since it's a 4 day weekend and all...he's like haha "we should go at like 5 in the morning and hang out till 5 the next morning!" hehe....omg he asked me if he could come over! i was's like what ur parents wont let u? and like i know my parents will let me but they are soooooo embarassing so i just dont wanna put him through that...haha plus i act a lot different..(differenter? .. more different?) when im around my i refuse to be when we went to the movies 2 days ago....when my mommy got there to pick me up i just kinda looked at him...said bye and walked away...haha cuz i just dont feel comfortable even hugging a guy in front of my's just not cool...haha but w/e....okies now im definitely out of thingies to buhz byez...

tonite's song: away from the sun by 3 doors down
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parents just dont understand, 04-06-04 7:17pm

i don't think id feel comfortable hugging a guy in front of my mom...pero ive like said hi and kissed them on the cheek infront of my mom's not my fault they all want me and must say hi to me in that way...hehe jk...and well i can now say that ive been to school on a saturday...a teacher planning night...and my new one....@ 5:30 in the morning...if i win next year i can say...Ive slept over school! so that'd be my last one to add to the list...heehee

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Re: parents just dont understand, 04-06-04 8:03pm

slept over? wtf... haha and "parents just dont understand" that will smith song! :P....goes and finds marker to tatoo L

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