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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 4-7-2004 at 2:24pm
Current mood: content
Music: Yellowcard & IMs
Subject: spring break.. ehh..
kurt cobain.. r.i.p. 10 years after..
finally GOT the nirvana cds.. lamo my firnd burnt them for me..

and thats my spring break so far!! lmao.. anthony and tracie still got school...

and now we have to pay for woohu.. i dont mind.. i just wanna kno how he'll kno that I: xVivAxLaBaMxFaNx, sent it in.. i should hopefully be getting and answer soon...

otherwise.. ill write later..
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yO, 04-07-04 6:12pm

hay willy!! yOo didnt they set u free?? hah omg now i understand y ur fat..cuz the damn gravity i get it u gravity girl hahah

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