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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-7-2004 at 7:07pm
Current mood: normal... well as normal as I can be...
Music: the washing machine... or drier... they sound the same.
Subject: Na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye.
Yea so this week has been pretty cool. Practice yesterday kinda' sucked... I almost passed out. Not really sure why though... it was scary! But yea, other than that it's been great. I spent the night at Ariana's last night and Larissa drove us to Grand Rapids to see their dad and I bought Taco Bell for us all. That was great. Larissa and I actually have quite a bit in common... and I got to sit in the front of her Mustang instead of the back since Steph wasn't there. (it was a thrill to me so don't even think about how weird it sounds okay? okay.) So yea, then we had a bonfire when we got back to her house and played ghosts in the graveyard... which was quite interesting with the steep hills around Ariana's house. We stayed up really late talking too. Which kinda' sucked since we had to get up and go to practice this morning... but it was still fun. And practice today rocked! It was soo much fun. Probably because there were less people and it was a mix of JV and Freshmen. But yea... great fun I tell you.

So... my last entry. I was venting. Because I was mad. Because of something I can't actually tell you about. (If you ask I won't tell you so just don't.) But I just thought I'd clear that up.

Well I'm not mad... but I somehow now feel the need to go pitch against the tree. And to ask how the heck Heather came up w/ that as an anger management technique. Hmm... that interests me. lol. So Heather, do tell. hehe.

Well I'm off to do... something. Don't know and don't care what. Just something. Tata my dear ones. Adios

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04-08-04 1:27pm

c'mon jacqui, it's me. do you really wanna ask questions? lol. ah and i LOVE the pic. of the awesome cobra. my dream car i tell ya.

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Re:, 04-09-04 12:18pm

you'd think i would've learned not to ask by now! lol. glad you like the picture my dear. awesomeful.

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