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innocence (profile) wrote,
on 4-8-2004 at 6:51pm
Subject: mission accomplished
zach - i did it and i will continue doing it. mission accomplished. report back to base!

wick - we need to talk please!


im doing the right thing.. why dont i have a smile on my face?

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04-10-04 9:20am

because it takes time, and yes we do need to go back to base
and you dont need to talk to that female...
shes the devil

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Re: wow., 04-10-04 10:30am

hahaha... but you're "so sorry" right?

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noo zach, 04-10-04 3:59pm

ya.. it does take time. but u should be proud. he tried to stuff with me but i wouldnt.. im trying i really am. im killing myself over it. and zach.. she's not the devil.. shes not a bad anything. i love that girl to pieces, sorry u guys dont have a good relationship.. but i love her to death! just as i feel for u. but ya.. i called u 2day.. so im waitin for u to return my fone call lol. ppeeacce! lol

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Re: Re: wow., 04-10-04 5:33pm

love u wickster! haha i like that name! x to the o dood!

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