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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-9-2004 at 12:20pm
Current mood: slightly annoyed
Music: The news
Subject: Pitching against a tree does help! *smiles at Heather* good thinkin'!
Yea so, I just majorly screwed up. My dad probably thinks I'm a bad daughter now that he will never be able to trust again... great. (imagine if you will how I would say that.)

So who's keeping their woohu?? I am, just because I need a place to vent and write and tell people things without having to use that darn phone. So yea, fun stuff. I hope none of you lovely people are leaving, that would be sad!! But yea... if you are then I shall miss you greatly! Not that I'll never see you again... just gonna' have one less woohu to read. meh.

Okay talk to ya'll later. Rock on. mucho amor.

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04-09-04 12:36pm

i am! woo woo

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04-09-04 3:49pm

I'm keeping my Woohu.

Just because... I kick ass.

What'd you do to piss off your dad?

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Re:, 04-11-04 6:13pm

i got online when i wasn't suppose to be and then he called so he found out... but he had only called to tell me i could get back online. i felt soo bad!! evilness.

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