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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 4-10-2004 at 5:47pm
Current mood: drained
Music: Ludacris - make love to me
Subject: Ehh back to school on Monday again
Well today I came back from Orlando today and man it's been a long day ! Well not really but I hate being in a car for 3 and a half hours or more lol. But anyways here's how it went..
- Thursday - Me and Amanda were supose to wake up at 5 oclock in the morning.. but like she didn't hear her phone and I heard but just got up and turned it off so lol we just woke up at 6 and didn't leave her house until 7...we were kinda pissed off about that because we wanted to leave earlier. During the car ride I went str8 to sleep, and yay I'm happy I did because it went so much faster. Well we ended up getting to Orlando at like 10:30-ish and off to Islands we went. It was really packed with people and my school had gone there too the "T.V. Production class", I saw Kyle [my ex], Lorenzo and this kid Jeremy that I had met at the ASL show. So after that we were trying to see what ride to go on that didnt have much of a long wait. We went on rides blah blah...I don't remember which ones we went on first and so on. At around 12:30-ish Corey called me and we met up with him. Lol Corey is sooo funny and great to hang out with. We were in the Hulk ::waiting of course:: and we were with his brother Matt I think his name was and these two other kids I don't know their names either I'm going to have to ask Corey. The Hulk was temporaly suspended so thank god Corey had cards so we all sat down and played it was gr8. We played some bullshit and war and Amanda won to both ! After that we finally got on the ride, Matt and his other friends went in the front row and we were in the middle-ish back-ish. So after that me Amanda and Corey went on Dueling Dragons, but we had to haul ass because it was almost going to be 5 oclock and thats when Corey had to leave for the bus to go back home. After my darling little Corey left, me and Amanda went and got some popcorn and just walked around and went on other rides. And ew, when we went to get Dippin' Dots, we were sitting on this edge thing and there was a guy next to us that had the nastiest toes in the world. They were yellow with fungi and ehhh !! It was really disgusting. After that we went on Dr Dooms fearfall and I was actually getting a little bit nervous, I hadn't been getting nervous all day and Amanda was freaking out even though she had been on it like 2.5 million times already. So anyways after that I think we just left cause Amanda's mom was calling like a million times for us to leave and it was like 8:30-ish, I wish we coulda stayed longer but oh welly. We hadn't eaten dinner so we got some subway and headed to Amanda's aunt's house and stayed there. During the night wow me and Amanda are really weird sometimes. We were really sleepy but we just kept ourselves awake and was saying dumb crap lol..and I pushed her off the bed for some reason i forgot why ? but we were just laughing so hard that night that I fell off the bed......ahh good times good times. We finally went to sleep at like 1-ish not too late but not too early.

- Friday - Woke up at around 11-ish and me Amanda her mother, aunt and her dad went to the mall to go get something to eat. We ALL ate Sbarro's pizza, it's pretty funny. After that we went to Body Shop and my god I love all the clothes in that damn store, if I had all the money in the world I would buy the whole store out. We saw these cute little purses that had our zodiac signs on it and there was actually an aquarius one, I *WOULD HAVE* bought it but it was pink and black , I would have perfered red and black but oh well..I guess pink is the new thing now-a-days. After that we went to that store "Express" and some guy went up to Amanda's mom and said "I don't mean to stare but how do you tell them apart"- -thinking me and Amanda were twins lol, and she was like "Uhh, they're just friends" and he gasps and goes "Wow you guys have no relation what-so-ever" and we're like nope just friends =). know what just read Amanda's journal cause I can't continue !! Gotta go do something....byee
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04-10-04 10:38pm

lol haha you couldnt even finish bc its too long! yaa people read mine its better! cherry_babiee @ <3.. Amanda

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