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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 4-11-2004 at 9:23pm
Current mood: sick
Music: Ment to live - Switchfoot
Subject: Easter dinner
Easter sucks basically around here. my whole family gets together in my grandmas small house, and its hot and stuffy and loud and all the old people talk about their sex life or lack there of, and its nasty, and my cousins and i have absolutly NOTHING in common anymore, so i just sit up there reading the large amount of magazines that grams collects. plus i had to babysit the terror cousins again, and they were sick yet again, and so now i have the stomach flu. im living on pepcid-a.c. and tums. alright, well now im ready to talk to kelly, and i hope he gets on soon, im trying to talk to anguls and watch the banger sisters all at the same time, and its not going to well, he talks alot. its really bad, i can never remember his name. its either david or chris, but i can never remember it. iv known him for a long time, but it still always slips my mind. i need to make a little note of it somewhere, but im scared to ask him his name again, because hes really moody and he gets pissed off when i ask him, so oh well, i suppose i just wont worry about it *shrugs* later
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04-11-04 10:29pm

Happy Easter! sorryI missed ya.

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