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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 4-12-2004 at 11:10am
Current mood: bored
Music: The Scientist - Coldplay
we had no school today because its Easter break. but anyways, dad left trevor here instead of taking him up to grams, so iv got like all the dumb disney songs stuck in my head since thats how he spends his time now, in front of the tv watching them. right now its Cinderella. its horrible. when i was little i hated all the disney movies. i was into M*A*S*H* with dad. lol we would stay up all night watching it, then i would be hard to wake up for school because i didnt have enough sleep. anyways, dont know why i brought that up. ok for Easter, grams always gives all the grandkids a little sack of candy, and ya know it dont make since. they call these tiny little candy bars "fun size". well hell i mean i would have a lot more fun eatting a regular size candy bar....
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04-12-04 7:31pm

Easters kinda for the kido's rachel. And your lucky you got Monday off. Others had to go to school, very tired of course.

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