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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-12-2004 at 7:19pm
Current mood: Pretty good
Music: Random mix of songs
Subject: Our first game's tomorrow!!!!!!! YAY!!
So yea, our first game's tomorrow! I'm so deeply excited about that!!!! Lordy, it's been too, too long since we've gotten to play an actual game. Lalala... so happy! But ya' know what's really dumb?? I screwed my knee up today at practice. I was sliding, just for fun, and I kept hitting wrong... so I went to slide into third and ended up twisting my knee all weird. It hurt like a banchee. Don't ever do that, I'm tellin' ya' now, it doesn't feel good. Still kinda' hurts... but can't really do much more to help it. So yea... fun stuff.

Okay funny story for ya'll. You see, a few of my friends and I went to see a movie together. And my friend Ariana asked this guy that she likes (we'll call him DT) to come with us. So she tells this guy that the movie starts around 8, what she failed to mention was the p.m. part. So "DT" goes to the theater at 8 in the morning! Well when we went that night she was really mad that he didn't show... come to find out though... he was mad at her because she wasn't there in the morning!! lol. Hilarious if you ask me. But that's just me.

So anyway... I'll talk to ya'll later on. Mucho amor, rock on.

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04-12-04 7:40pm

do we wear the t-shirts? i 4got...again

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Re:, 04-12-04 7:47pm

lol, so forgetful heather dear.... Yes, we do wear the t-shirts... but not the black ones... cuz ur my twin and we must match. hehehe. (you can... i just made that part up... hehe)

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