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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-14-2004 at 7:33pm
Current mood: meh
Music: The tv
Subject: I have no subject... that's sad.
So, we lost our games. Which sucks. But hopefully that was just first game jitters and we'll be better next time. But it was still fun. I pitched the whole second game... when I wasn't really planning on pitching at all. It was kinda' cool! Then today at practice I was pitching and my arm fricken killed! Oy. Lovely... but that's okay... it's all good.

I hate Biology. I swear if I could I'd never go back into that class again. It's not so much because of the class as it is the people. See today for some dumb reason they decided to all be mean to me. They were all being perverted and stuff, which is normal, but then they went over-board. Seriously. I don't normally care, heck sometimes I make a comment myself, but they really did go over and above what they needed to. They were saying stuff to and about Allie too. I'm glad I couldn't see myself cuz I saw Al and her face was red so mine had to have been the same if not more so. Ugh, I really don't wanna' go there tomorrow. Anyone want to skip 6th hour w/ me?! Oy.

Okay I shall be off now. If ya' get a chance and you want to come, our game is tomorrow at 4:15pm and it's a double header. The other game should start somewhere around 5 or 5:30 I think... if all goes smoothly. Okay? Okay. Adios mi amigas y mi amigos.

Much love my friends.

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04-14-04 10:47pm

yeah jay it was and u KNOW that they do that to me just about i have to take it from ron and blaine and brenton and all those other stupid guys and now i guess that adam draves is sayin shit.....whatever.....fuck them all....i hate josh sometimes....and im really pissed about my agenda.....i thought u were gonna cry today..i felt really bad..the only reason i still want to go is cuz of caleb and he didnt do a very good job of saying anything..........whatever...ok im off ya

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