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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 4-14-2004 at 10:24pm | |
Current mood: Wrong, I don't know how o.0; Music: Essential Elements - DJ Icey Subject: Neh.. Stuff. |
1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? 8:00 am 2. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? Err.. I don't know.. maaaybeee.. Tom Felton, he'd be more age group, or Johnny Depp, sexy man. LoL 3. GOLD OR SILVER? Silver. Goes better with black. 4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? Cinema? o.0; Who the hell are you and which planet did you beam from? Anyways, I think it waaaas... What.. was it.. I can't remember, but it was a while ago. 5. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Witch Hunter Robin, though I hardly watch TV anymore.. I <3 MAD TV, too. 6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? Toothpaste *-* I don't eat breakfast. 7. WHO WOULD YOU 'HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? Hmn.. Somebody.. who.. annoys me? OH! I KNOW! CHRIS! xD 8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? Nupe. 9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Things.. that I see or feel that make me want to write poetry.. or sing.. or draw.. or color.. You know? 10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Eww, Ann, I wish it was Sancia or something cool like that.. What about Demetra? Orrrr.. Cheyenne? xD 11. BEACH, CITY, OR COUNTRY? >.>; My room. 12. SUMMER OR WINTER? Doesn't matter, Florida has only one climate/season that changes slightly. 13. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Chawcolate, I think. Maybe Heath Bar Crunch or something. 14. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? Salted T.T Yerm 15. FAVORITE COLOR? Purple, black, red, and I naturally wear blues 'cause it's my "Virgo nature" 16. FAVORITE CAR? Probably a VW Bug 17. FAVORITE SANDWICH FILLING? Brown spicy mustard? Err.. bread? What the hell are you talking about?! >.< 18. TRUE LOVE? But of course, I'm not a ho-bag like Lo-Ra! >.>; (Who married Sexy-pants Melissa behind my back.) 19. WHAT CHARACTERISTIC DO YOU DESPISE? ~twitches~ Too many to explain. 20. IF YOU WERE TO WIN THE ' , WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Err... I'd save most for college fund and... hmn.. buy a DDR machine with the rest? *-* 21. FAVORITE FLOWER? Probably roses.. the REAL fragrant kind. I love the smell of roses. 22. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? Does soda classify? ~blinks~ 23. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? Blah, I forget.. but I know it has some type of fuckin' birds painted on it >.< 24. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? Hmn.. I have no keys. ^-^; 25. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? My.. coffin? I don't fuckin' know! 26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Juggle what? ^.~ 27. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK AND WHY? Er.. Friday.. or Saturday. 28. RED OR WHITE WINE? How about Champagne or beer? xD 29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Hmn.. big sleepover and some time at Boomers. WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? Sept. 8, 1990 30. Do YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? A what? 31. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU????? o.0; What? I'm putting this on my journal, geekoid. 32. WHERE AM I GOING TOMORROW? I really don't know.. who are you, anyways? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Blah, been an amusing day, I guess.. I've felt like shit for most of it (sorry for making you worry, Erik x.x) Yeah.. maybe lack of food? I knew that juice bag wouldn't hold me! xD Anways, still no progress on the cosplay costumes, I'm thinking of gathering the people to go fabric shopping this weekend. That is, if they can go. I've been mini-cousin free for.. a night and a day already. e.e; I woke up like at 6 am today, expecting to get beat up by the 4 year old beast I call my darling cousin, getting "I... want....!" I was surprised when I wasn't pummeled to go to that moronic site and went back to sleep smiling. Don't get me wrong, I love Nikki, but she can be so spastic and.. spoilt, dare I say. But I love her, none the less. Anways, there's your little portal into the Emily. HAVE A LOVELY DAY! <3<3 Aishiteru ~Em-chan |
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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re: ZIZ, 04-16-04 8:02pm o.o; Who the hell are you?
him | Re: Re: ZIZ, 04-18-04 1:03am ooooooo she told u boi! :-p,
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re: Re: Re: ZIZ, 04-19-04 6:03pm Just one thing..
him | Re: Re: Re: Re: ZIZ, 04-19-04 6:04pm "<.<
him | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ZIZ, 04-19-04 6:04pm wow..i spelled my name wrong.....
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ZIZ, 04-22-04 2:02pm xD