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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 1-11-2003 at 9:41pm
I recorded alot today. Got most of it done too. Just need to go in and finish a couple instrumentals and and some vocals, then he takes it to his comp and it's done. We recorded oxygen today, and it silenced everyone. I was amazed. The song sounds like we are just sitting around jamming. Nate bought all this new equipment like a drum micing kit and a Condenser mic. Now let me tell you, I've never been able to notice a difference, but with this one I do. It's awesome.
Well I'm off, later.
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01-12-03 7:13pm

i'm still on the list for a copy, as soon as you freaks finish your kick azz record.

yay for bruce said checkers

the band that actually followed through with their dreams

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Re:, 01-13-03 2:03pm

wish i had a fucking band that cared about following their dreams...

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