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rere12389 (profile) wrote,
on 4-17-2004 at 5:47pm
Current mood: pissed off
yet again i am at my father's house. heather isn't here. it sux cuz now i don't have anyone to talk to... she just left. my dad is pissed off! like hes super mad. last night he told her she could go to her track meet because he said she didn't call him to tell him. but she did on tuesday. jerk. so he told her she couldn't go and she got really really super pissed and i told her she should go anyway but she was like no. well then she called my mom and told her and my mom said she should just leave too. so in the morning heather woke me up and she was like "yeah i'm gonna leave now to go to me track meet. i don't know if i'm gonna come back." and she just left. i wanted to go with her but i didn't cuz i had to get contacts. and i got them! its great! i love em! lol... but anyways back to the subject, she called later and told him she wasn't coming back and my dad hasn't really said anything since. hes just pissed and wont look at me cuz he knows i helped her leave. like last night i helped her get the address of the house so that if he tried to stop her she could call the police cuz legally he can't keep her from going to her meet. yeah and i gave her my cell phone to call my mom and such. so yeah... hes pissed and i'm pissed and heather's pissed and my mom's pissed and kathy's pissed and daves pissed so i guess we're all just one pissy family huh?

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04-17-04 6:12pm

wow, i hope everything turns out alright.

Awesome/ about your new contacts!

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04-17-04 6:28pm

wow re....thats crazy! be happy thou! my party was AWESOME cept for the whole caleb and kalli went off (alone for the most part) for about half of it into the play house thing...but ben was there so allie was happy....yeah but other than that it kicked ass....everyone wants me to have another one in like 2 weeks or whatever and i might...if i can convince my mother and all.....yeah ok ill talk to ya later

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04-17-04 8:58pm

wow thats hella gay i say good for her that she left. Huray for contacts, but aren't you gonna miss your super cool glasses? oh well try to cheer up and if you can work it in don't forget to give him the back hand.
love you

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04-18-04 6:42pm

that sucks re. hope it all works out. i'm proud that u helped her leave though... he was beeing a jerk. go re! can't wait to see your contacts!! that rocks deeply hard!! hehe. rock on my dear. mucho amor.


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