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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 4-18-2004 at 2:53pm
Current mood: stressed
Music: your fault by plain white t's
Subject: ahhhhhh ima fail!
ok well now that i am workin on the review packets for my ap euro history exam...i have come to the realization that there is no way in hell that i am goin to pass this exam!!!! that is so fuckin scary to think that even after all the hard work i have put into that class this whole year...i mite not even get the ap credit for it...ahhhhh! it's so difficult!...anyone readin this....if u could tell me wtf happened to the holy roman empire in the map that im lookin at..involvin henry of navarre and charles of bourbon-montpelier...i would greatly appreciate it! .. lost as fuck?! SO AM I! AND IM TAKIN THE DAMN CLASS! omg im so worried that im not gonna pass this's in exactly two weeks...less i think...oh lordy...breathe thaimi breathe...and my parents wont shut the fuck up bout me goin to school in like look stop tryin to make me stay in fl! if i dont make it elsewhere then ok! but otherwise...fuck off! jesus!...before i kept thinkin that u know...maybe i wont make it in ny..but lately i've been talkin to colin and he just keeps reassurin me that wit my grades ima be able to get into any college i want WIT financial aid..hehe i choose to believe him...seeing as how his dad went to cornell and then that makes me feel better...crap...i haven't even started my timeline...well kinda..i mean i set my papers up...haha which translates to .. i wrote the title of each entry and wrote down the words description and significance under each so lazy...but i also made copies of my first review packet for euro. i answered the first question though! whooooo! hehe it was bout indulgences and the catholic church...but now ... it's all maps after that..and it's like...they give u a map and they go...what year does this map most likely represent? what major political, economic, and social events were occurrin durin this time period? what conclusions can u draw about the information illustrated in this map? .....AHHHH! ima shut up before i drive myself insane cuz i am so worried rite now...that first packet is due monday and on top of that i have a huuuuge english essay due tuesday...and my poetry moment's tuesday as well...then i have to memorize my latin speech for thursday..finish my timeline for wednesday...and my second review packet for wednesday as well....oh lordy...::panics:: i better go..hehe bye

tonite's song: what if..? by babyface
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04-18-04 3:48pm

aww baby cakes it will be okay

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yara...don't feel like signing in, 04-18-04 9:10pm

u can get in anywhere u want...ur a nerd...i can't think of any other place i'd like to go...nor do I know if I'd get in anywhere else...

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