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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-18-2004 at 5:58pm
Current mood: energetic
Music: wind
Subject: Ahh the joys of weekends.
This weekend has rocked. Friday after practice Ariana came over. We went to Allie's party, which rocked deeply. I sat on the roof of the garage and talked to people... then sat around the fire and talked to people. Then played football, volleyball, and hacky sack. It was grand! Then, on Saturday, Ariana and I went for a walk around my block. It was not the most brilliant idea. We got muddy on 16mile and we wore flip-flops for some dumb reason so we both almost died. And then, don't ask me how, I got pepper-spray in my eye. Let me tell you, that stuff kills!! Never do that if you can at all avoid it. Very Very bad.

But yea, I went to the concert at Kent theator w/ Stephy. It was awesome. Fuzzy Logic totally rocked. The solar experience was okay. Forever December screamed WAY too much though. I got such a headache from them. Lordy. But December Streets was awesomly wonderful!!!! I didn't know that they existed much less that Matty was the drummer!!! The sound system kinda' died while they were playing though... so half the time you couldn't hear them sing. It was gay and a half. But they seemed awesome from what I heard. Matt made me promise to go up by the stage when they were playing... so I did, and I screamed "go Matt" and "we love you Matt" at the top of my lungs. It was joyful I tell you. hehehe.

Today I drove... w/ T. Relich. It was SO boring. We just drove out in the country and stuff to get used to hills and curves. I don't understand what people find hard about that. The only thing hard was trying not to fall asleep! Seriously... I was really close. But yea, fun stuff.

Okay I shall let you get back to your lifes. Rock on. Much love.

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04-18-04 8:19pm

Forever December screamed WAY too much though.

Just remember it only starts hurting when your ears stop bleeding,

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