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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 4-19-2004 at 12:39am
Current mood: Stressed
Subject: I HATE EXAMS!
Ok, so its deffinately break time. I've been studying for a long time and I dont like it. I prolly shouldnt wait till the last minute like this.

Side note weather is great out. Gonna blow away though. Little too windy for my tastes. I wanna play tennis. Cant though.

Random thoughts

Oh yeah and Mal is trying to find out who this new mystery guy is. And I'm not gonna tell her yet. There are definate benefits to this boy. And DEFINATE draw backs. I will let her know that yes it is a new boy. Who was set up to me by a pre-existing boy. But I foresee big draw backs. Kinda wish I never met him, then I wouldnt have to deal with the weighing out of the drawbacks vs. wonderfulness. But who knows, no need to decide anything yet. Possible road trip Friday, but gotta talk to the rents. They may not like it

OH YEAH I'm gonna go see Rent on Thurs with Kristi... VERY EXCITED!

Ok Mal there are your clues... or really I told ya everything. lol. ok, interesting journal... back to the studying. I think there will be lots of journal entries because it makes me have a reason to not study!
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