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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 4-19-2004 at 9:11am
Current mood: hungry
Music: Nightmare b4 X-Mas Soundtrack
Subject: GHAA!!
omg omg omg!!
i havent updated and this week has been so busy!!! lol
tuesday i went to the mall with my grandmom and i got a viva la bam shirt, a pink bam shirt, shoelaces and shorts. wed. i bought my dress for the formal.. theres this little trift shop on philadelphia pike and thats where i got it.. 40-some bucks.. not bad! lol thurday.. went to rite aid at like 9 pm and thats when i bought my nails.. went home and had dinner at 9:30.. friday was the dance.. i wann tell all about it like i did to michelle in my letter but thats wayy too much.. and i only have 3 minutes so ill tell alla bout it but to go to me and josh's pic.. go to...
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04-19-04 7:41pm

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