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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-19-2004 at 7:57pm
Current mood: tired
Subject: "In the scilence our stage whisper may carry" -Faber to Montag; Fahrenheit 451
Well I'm finally done with my essay for english. Hard as heck in a basket but that's life I suppose. I'm annoyed with a lot of things lately. I've just been noticing that more I suppose. But I am. Yesterday my mom asked me, "can't you just be happy for five minutes? just BE HAPPY!". And somehow, in some way it affected me. I went outside and just sat on my old swingset... thinking about life. I thought about my friends, my family, guys, religion, school... everything had bad things... but most were outweighed by the good. Then I started thinking about something that Steph told me yesterday... and about something Jenny said at the bonfire. One made me extremely happy and the other made me want to die. I thought about that for a long time... and I realized that it was probably part of why I am angy. But it had to be more, as of this moment, though, I haven't figured out what more it could be.

I watched the create-a-video of the Florida trip w/ Stephy today. She was in a lot of pictures. I knew someone in almost all of them. But there were some pictures that I didn't really want to see... so I think I'm gonna' avoid watching it again... at least for a long while. It's just not that fun.

Yea, I really want to talk about something... but the thing is it's about someone who could quite possibly read this... and I really don't want him/her to do so. This person's just on my last nerve lately. He/She is always either making me really really happy, really really sad, or really really confused. It's a great combo.... don't ya' think?! Ugh. People... they're just so dumb.

I need another journal... one that only a select few people know about... so that if ever I want to write something and get their feedback but no one elses, I can. But I don't feel the need to waste 2 more dollars on it... so I won't get one. It was just a thought.

Well I must be off now. I love you all. Rock on. Buh Bye.

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04-20-04 5:43pm

if it is who i think it is , and i think it is cuz we're twinies, how many times do i have to tell you to just ignore s/he when s/he starts to make you mad/sad. just ... well BE HAPPY!!!! lol :):):):):):):):):)

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Re:, 04-20-04 6:05pm

i love you heather. but you so just sounded like my mother! lol

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