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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 1-12-2003 at 1:54pm
Current mood: bored
Music: Pink Floyd - one of my turnd
ahhh, i cant get the second part of this song out of my head, so maybe if i type the lyrics itll get out of mine and into somebody else. (No need to type the first part)

Run to the bedroom
In the suitcase on the left
You'll find my favorite axe.
Don't look so frightened
This is just a passing phase,
One of my bad days.

Would you like to watch TV?
Or get between the sheets?
Or contemplate the silent freeway...Would you like something to eat?

Would you like to learn to fly...would ya?
Would ya like to see me try?

Would you like to call the cops?
Do you think it's time i stopped?
Why are you running away?
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01-12-03 6:09pm

this may be a bad time, but i want my c.d. back tomorrow

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