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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-20-2004 at 6:22pm
Current mood: crappy
Music: scilence... for the most part
Subject: I've been taped.
Practice was dumb today. I ran bases, which was the only fun part, and pitched and played in left. But everywhere I went I got hurt. I now officially twisted my ankle, scrapped up my knee, fell in the dirt trying to catch a ball twice, tripped over Lauren trying to get her out at home, and somehow ended up on the ground trying to field a ball and throw it to third. Really, it was great. *rolls eyes*

Mr. Reed is such an ass. He said that I "better enjoy Stratford this year" cuz I "won't be going ever again." He cannot tell me what to do thank you. He said they don't tolerate that on JV and Varsity. I'm thinkin' BS. Besides I'm still not sure if I'm even playing softball next year. It's gay.

Okay g2g adios!! love much.

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DONT LEAVE ME!!!, 04-20-04 7:29pm

okay somehow... i never saw those incidents w/ the falling tripping and diving. hmmm odd..are you sure we were at the same practice? lol

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Re: DONT LEAVE ME!!!, 04-20-04 7:35pm

yea, i'm kinda' glad u didn't see those things... that makes it less embarrasing... but yea. u did see me dive tho... when we were playing catch and i dove to catch the ball and landed on my hand. yea, that was fun. hehe.


between shoes and ring size... we have pretty interesting memories. lol. *smirks*

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Re:, 04-20-04 7:37pm we really are dangerous when left alone aren't we??? lol.

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Re: Re:, 04-20-04 7:53pm

oh yes... bad things happen *wink wink* lol. that was pretty funny stuff.

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