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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 4-20-2004 at 6:57pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Im moving on - Rascall Flatts
Subject: Sappy
i feel like crying, been feeling that way for a few days now, so finally i just went and bought a bunch of cd's that had sappy love songs on them and iv been listening to them and crying my eyes out. kelly i guess got in a fight today, and then comes home and his parents are talking to his brother about some stuff, and i dont know he sount pretty stressed out, so i didnt get to talk to him to long because he had to go. im worried about him and i hope hes ok...ahh my life has become so confusing lately. i dont know whatever later
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04-22-04 10:33pm

Need a shoulderto cry on? Im here for you Rachel. Dont be worried about me. You dont need that stress on yourself, hell I dont want it on me. Life Is confusing.......

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Re:, 04-24-04 1:08pm

i know your there for me kell, but its ok, im just confused about a bunch of things right now with so much going on. hopefully everything gets cleared up in both of our lifes pretty soon

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