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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-20-2004 at 7:35pm
Current mood: tired as sam hill
Music: none, unfortunetly
I've learned that lunch... is not good. Seriously. The people at our table have the most perverted conversations. It's not even cool!! lol. It's really funny though. Yesterday we were talking about my smilie face slinky man and the fact that it's a "sex toy". They were making up reasons why it was smiling. It was sooo funny. Unforunetly most of the stuff was based around me. It was a scary scary time. But then Corey broke it after lunch. Sadness. Jessie was like "you broke her sex toy" and Corey said "well it shouldn't matter, maybe you should just stop having sex!" lol. So funny and yet so evil at the same time. Cherie hurt him... or tried. But yea, funny stuff I tell you.

I'm sooo tired today. What's up with that. It seems like everyone is. well, minus a few. But still, you catch my drift.

Rob, if you're reading this (which you're probably not, but whatever) I sent you an e-mail... and you have to read it. Cuz yea, you just do. I guess you'll figure it out when you read it.

Anyway. I shall let you all go back to your lives now. Adios my friends. Mucho amor, rock on.

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04-21-04 3:26pm

jackamo....he he he that's funny.

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