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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-21-2004 at 8:30pm
Current mood: spiritual
Music: Mercy.
Subject: Lord have mercy on me.
Wow. I was listening to this song called Mercy on Wow 2004 and I just broke down crying. I'm still fighting back tears as I type this. Because I realize just what God must think of me lately. And I don't want him to think of me the way I am now. So vain and naive. I know nothing compared to him. I am one in a million others just like me. But no matter what we do, God will forgive us if we ask him to, and if we try to prove to him that we want to be his children. It just makes me immensly sad to think about it. I can't believe Jesus went through what he did for us and I have been re-paying him so horribly. I can't stand the thought. I hate all the vain and stupid thoughts going through my head. It's so sad. It makes me angry, at myself, at other people, at the world. But then I start to think about why Jesus went through what he did. It was so that our sins could be forgiven. All the sins of man are able to be forgiven because of him. Satan cannot get to you if you won't let him. So I'm gonna' try harder now, try as hard as I can. To break old habits, bad habits, and have a better relationship with God. I need to do this, and I want to. Don't expect an immediate change... but know that I'm trying. I really am.

-Jacquelyn J. DeFouw-
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04-23-04 2:46pm

hey i'll change w/ ya my buddy, mi amiga, mon amie. cuz lately i've been thinking the same things. creepy how we do that isn't it???

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