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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-23-2004 at 4:08pm
Current mood: bouncy
Music: My Heart Goes Out.
Subject: My beautiful yard... it's dying!!
So I'm sitting here watching these guys that I don't even know, tear up my yard to make room to start building our new garage. It was really weird. Just sitting there watching TV and all of the sudden this semi pulls in w/ this big ol' CAT bull dozer on it and starts tearing up my yard. They even took down my tree. The bastards. But I guess it'll be worth it in the end. ha, I make such a big deal over a garage. oy.

OMGosh guess what!!?? Steph can drive!!!!!!! She got her lisence yesterday!!! It was so great. She drove me to school today. We parked next to Amy and when she saw it was us she waited. Then when we got out of the car she's like "DAMN! I think Jake's got some competition!" and then we laughed and talked for a minute and right before she walked into school she goes "damn..." again. It was great. I LOVE that car. Jake wants to drive it. I told my dad that and he's like "well... he's gonna' have to ask your mom..." lol. I think we were just jokin' around anyway but it was pretty funny.

lalala. I'm so incredibly bored right now. Steph's at that state festival thing for band at the moment and no one else is home. I kinda' wanted to have practice today. It's so nice out. I can't even go outside now though. Stupid people. lol. Oh well. Okay I shall be off now. Adios.

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04-23-04 5:35pm

oh and i didn't get to see it today!! :( lol.

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