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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-23-2004 at 5:07pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: 24-Switchfoot
Subject: Bite me, you un-knowing bitches.
you people bug the absolute crap out of me. you complain about this bull shit that doesn't even matter. i hate it. the world's not against you, everyone doesn't hate you, and you do not need to act all depressed and bitchy constantly. get the fuck over it okay? please. it would help a lot. thank you.

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04-23-04 5:39pm

ok ill try...........

whats wrong?
with love

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04-23-04 10:33pm

Eh, it annoys the living hell out of me when somebody claims that "everybody hates them" or that "God hates me" or some bullshit like that.

I mean, sometimes, for a split second, I'll think the world is against me. But I know it's not. It's just me being a dramatic ignoramous.

Cheer up, my lovely Jacqui Jean. I love you. ( ;

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Re:, 04-23-04 11:28pm

ooh god justine...everyone and everything hates life is no good.......god i need to be shot in the arms and die slowly of blood just a whorebag....

hahahaha im just messing guys...i love u all!

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04-24-04 6:30pm

i know this has nothing to do w/ your entry really but 24 is really a great song. lol. cheer up my little buddy!! lol.

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