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innocence (profile) wrote,
on 4-24-2004 at 5:41pm
still hate her..

i'm becoming mean! score!. i cant stand her.. i really cant

1/2 day was fuun. whole weeks been fun. its great to have mario back!

she's a fuckin bitch. if u all only knew what she did to me this time.

so fuck her.. and fuck the person she has mind-fucked. they're not worth my fucking energy anymore!!

pool has been fun. went to a laate movie on thursday which was cool. movie sucked, but it was fun going with colt mario brandon and pat. we snuck in soo much food haha. then they brought home this big ass poster thing of the girl from the girl next door.. soo funny

i drank last night, and tonight i think we're going to play pool or something.. im broke... being broke sucks lol. but last night.. i drank a lot. and i wasn't even drunk, i didnt know i could hold my liquor that well. but yeah, im gonna get going cuz im taking my mom out to dinner then going back to grubbs. later!

| x o x o | d a n i |

love to:: carly whit meg sarah zach heather shittlebittle karebear jen john steve ashers mel ange steph jesso mario pat kevin mike colt brandon s brandon b bob billy mikey mike jon frank erik jordan izzy sosa etc.. i love and miss u guys!

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04-25-04 1:06am

ixnay on the ogasdray

HEY i leanred how to levitate, i am right now......
soooooo high!!!
so my lil punk, sup bitch!
how come ur bitch ass never calls me, yet you say u wanna chill
is it because im a loser and an asshole?
If so.....
lol, oh well u kno my #
peace out my homenigga

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Re:, 04-25-04 7:47pm

i miss you. i have shit to talk to you about. sorrry i havent been calling. but u can call me too ya know! :)

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