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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-24-2004 at 8:23pm
Current mood: amused
Subject: mall hunting is fun!
i went to this mall hunt thing w/ Katie and the youth group today, it rocked! we ran (literally) around river town crossings mall to find the "church elders" as they're called. it was SO fun, pretty funny too. Curtis tried to go down the up escalter... he didn't get anywhere (obviously) so i had to ride up a little to give him the paper that we needed to give him and then jump down again. it was greatly funny. we just walked around the mall finding people and playing on the work out equipment in Gaylans. it was joyous. we got second place too! that was cool. we won mountain dew. hehe. then we got to eat pizza and play football/ basketball/ keep-away in the gym. it was just grand. didn't talk to tyler too much. which sucked cuz i wanted to talk to him... find out some stuff about katie.... but yea, oh well. i hung out w/ curtis, ellie, katie, and sam eary at the mall and at the church curtis left and nicole came so that was fun too.

yea so, i had a rockin' day. hope ya'll enjoyed your's just as much! rock on. adios. much love.

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04-25-04 2:55pm

thats cool...curtis who? sounds like fun fun...ok i love u

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